U.S. Strengthens China Tariffs

U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods

In a decisive move, U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai announced further actions on China tariffs following a thorough four-year statutory review. This review assessed the effectiveness of tariffs imposed under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, aimed at countering unfair trade practices by China, particularly in the realm of technology transfer and intellectual property. Key Outcomes of the Review: Effectiveness of Tariffs: The … Read More

How to Be Prepared for Chinese Golden Week

As the Chinese Golden Week in February approaches, businesses and supply chain managers around the world brace for the impact of this significant holiday period. With factories closing and the pace of business slowing down in one of the world’s largest manufacturing hubs, preparing effectively is crucial to mitigate disruptions and capitalize on opportunities. Here’s how companies, guided by the expertise of Global Logistical Connections … Read More

A Guide for Shipping Health and Beauty Products

The global health and beauty industry has grown exponentially in recent years. Online sales have accounted for a significant portion of this growth. In 2020, the industry’s value was estimated at $380 billion, and according to a report by Allied Market Research, the global cosmetics industry is forecasted to reach $463.5 billion by 2027. It’s essential to understand the regulations and best practices for shipping … Read More

What are the new user fees as advised by US Customs?

Listen to this article: GLC INC. · What are the new user fees as advised by US Customs? Customs Question of the Month with our Licensed Customs Broker, Jessica Parks. What are the new user fees as advised by US Customs? US Customs has advised of the below increases in user fees, which will be effective October 1, 2022.  MPF Minimum:  $29.66 (previously $27.75) MPF Maximum:  … Read More

Is the Merchandising Processing Fee (MPF) Increasing this year?

Q: Is the Merchandising Processing Fee (MPF) Increasing in 2021? A: Yes, U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP), posted notice of the below-noted increase(s) in user fees, which are effective October 1, 2021. CBP will increase Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) ‘User Fees’ by 11.009 per­cent to adjust for inflation in the fiscal year 2022. New Rates Include: MPF Minimum:  $27.75 (previously $27.23) MPF Maximum:  … Read More

Are 301 Tariffs Eligible for Duty Drawback?

Customs Brokerage Q&A of the month

CUSTOMS QUESTION OF THE MONTH with Licensed Customs Broker, Jessica Parks Nov. 2020 Q: Are 301 tariffs eligible for duty drawback? A: Yes, However Duty drawbacks, or refunds, of these duties can only occur under specific circumstances. Your goods are eligible for duty drawback if, after being imported into the U.S., they are subsequently exported without ever entering U.S. commerce, OR they are legally destroyed … Read More