Supply chain crisis is not over and could last until 2023

Port at Night

Is it the longest congestion ever? Maybe. Great news for one side of the industry and bad news for the other. With container freight rates and port congestion in the worst position compared to 2020 and 2021, the situation doesn´t expect to change until next year, 2023.

6 Tips for Improving your Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management

Managing your supply chain is one thing, but optimizing it is a whole different challenge and one that many companies fail at doing. To help you succeed, we have put together six fundamental cornerstones that you should emphasize when planning your supply chain. 

GLC is Celebrating 15 Years in Business

15 year anniversary

January 6th marked 15 years since the incorporation of Global Logistical Connections. Derek Scarbrough, Founder, and CEO started the company in 2006 after leaving a promising career in St. Louis, Missouri.